Farm Animals

A Special Delivery!

We had been talking about making the title design for our blog with a chicken, I was bummed at the thought though because we didn’t even have chickens yet, then this evening my son and husband came home from the bus stop with a small box that made little peeping sounds!!! Six tiny baby chicks are now going to be apart of our family!


They were gifted to us by my Mother and Father in law, who are wanting to help us get started. We are going into this with basically no experience but thank the Lord for the Internet and advice from family and friends. I’m so excited to finally get started with animal keeping! I have loved farm animals since I was a little girl. I use to have stickers of cow, sheep, and chickens and loved playing Harvest Moon on Gameboy, which was about the closest I’ve come to keeping animals, besides a cat or dog. It does make me nervous not knowing what I’m doing but at the same time it’s also exciting and I hope to work toward more animals in the next few years, but for now, our plans are raising chickens and a hog. We also have two black ducklings coming! I’m not exactly sure why my husband wanted them, but I think we will love having them around here either way!


I have no clue what kind of chicks these are so if anyone knows please leave me a comment! This is what the box said…


I read that straight run means un-sexed 50/50 chance hen or rooster so I guess we will have to wait and see! Either way, they are here and we love them already!


2 thoughts on “A Special Delivery!

  1. Good luck! I am a farm girl since birth, born and raised and never left the farm. I got started with chickens and they have become so addicting that I can’t give them up! Good luck with all of your adventures! I’m sure you will do great!

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    1. I hope so! I wish I had that kind of experience but hey ya gotta start somewhere and we are kind of diving in head first! I’m loving it and they are a joy to have so far. ~

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